Saturday, June 15, 2013

Man of Steel - Audio Review

Man of destroying shit, yea! that should of been the title.


  1. I didn't catch the Batman easter egg at all either Lehew with all the stuff going on in the film. P1 you didn't respond to it, I'm wondering if you caught it or not and if so what scene was it?

  2. Great points you brought up guys but damn TPO I didn't even think about the Lois Lane stuff until you brought it up. You are completely right she really didn't serve any purpose and was just forced into a romance angle.

  3. I'm gonna start off by saying. I didn't hate this movie.
    I like Snyder's take on a rougher more feral man of steel (I like that they don't call him superman) quite frankly I always thought superman was an over powered pussy. I'm not going to harp over the destruction, maybe the sequel will address that. Some of you out there (be honest) are just echoing what everyone else is saying. Good day to you both and good luck surviving Wolverine

  4. Ugh I don't even know why I bother clearly you guys don't know a good movie when it's in your face because Man of Steel was the shittttt. That first half was nothing compared to that epic finale. Zack Snyder is the best director working today deal with it you two fools.

  5. I really this film because the acting and F/X are spot on. However; The third act really killed me and the script got very lazy in the second act...SO it Fucking Rent!
