Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Movie Spoilers 17 - That’s My Boy, Rock of Ages, and Spill Dot Con

P1 shares his experience at Spill Dot Con. Then they review That’s My Boy, Rock of Ages, a possible crossover (but not really), comments, upcoming movies and blu-rays, and the Brave trailer.

P.S. Having some sound issues again.  Most of it got edited out.  
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Almost Crossed over into THE AVENGERS - -
Brave Trailer -


  1. Damn Lena, defeated by Rock of Ages! Why pay to see that movie when you can just listen to 80s music on your iPod? By the way, Phenomenal One is operating at a constant, steamy 5/5 beefcakes.

  2. You are just like Korey, P1! Threatening filmmakers like that lol Adam Sandler can die along with Friedberg and Seltzer.

  3. I think its safe to say that Lina has found her impression she is good at because DAMN! I thought she was from Scotland as well.

    Great Show you guys, even with the bad connection

  4. Drew, my impression of Lina's review was that she didn't want to kill herself and she laughed a few times. That doesn't mean she thought it was a good movie or she liked it. She explicitly mentions her disgust about numerous jokes in the movie, I think she just expected to be godawful and she enjoyed some moments. Trust me, P1 literally would've killed her if she actually enjoyed it.

  5. Hahaha A box of white women, oh Lina no I hear P1 is more into the Spanish women. So Lina for Xmas lets get together and get P1 a box of Latin women lol.

  6. "His beefiness is inversely proportional to his insanity."-Yeah, It's That Bad on Nic Cage.

  7. Awww P1 had a little crush while away on his trip, HOW CUTE lol. Anyways great show you guys after hearing that story I wanna go to spill con now.

    Great advice you guys gave Troy, thought it was sweet of him to ask for your guys opinion on what to do in that situation. P1 you shocked me with that answer I must say.

  8. Damn Lina, you sounded straight like P1 in your Rock of Ages review lol I think you made him proud.

    Anyways my question is have you guys ever wanted to do anything in either entertainment or the movie industry as far as acting or maybe even directing?

    Lina from your voice you sound like you would be a great voice actor for a lot of PIXAR films and P1 I would love to see you in a Romantic Comedy

    Great work you guys and keep up the great work........

  9. What was your biggest film disappointment of the year? As far as like hoping for a movie to be good but when you saw it, it just let you down in so many ways.

  10. Lina, I couldn't agree more with you. When I listen to Let's Do This I always go P1 seems like he would fit for this show. His sense of humor matches Korey very much, I really don't know how you put up with him lol.

  11. Thanks for the shoutout P1! I had an awesome time. Lena, I'd better see you at the next Con.

  12. As much as I can't wait to hear Lina talk about Brave in a scottish accent, Im just as interested to hear part two of P1 and that girl he wanted to talk to at spill con. PLEASE ELABORATE LOL
