Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Avengers Podcast Special

With 'The Avengers' assembling in less than two weeks myself (TPO) & Lina decided to have a Avengers Special this upcoming Saturday (April 28th). The special will cover all the films leading up to this phenomenon (Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, & Captain America:The First Avenger). Also giving our thoughts on so far what we think The Avengers will be, what we want out of the film, my thoughts on what I saw at the premiere and heard at the press conference. Hopefully our special guest doesn't get too busy that day but if so the special will still go on.

So send us all the questions, comments, & concerns you may have on The Avengers or any of the previous films that helped made this possible & vote on your favorite Marvel film that's led up to the AVENGERS ASSEMBLING


  1. Im just curious with all these characters in this movie, who do you guys think will get the most screen time or who will the movie mainly focus on?

  2. Do you guys think Mark Ruffalo's portrayal of Bruce Banner/The Hulk will be better than Edward Norton?


  3. How do you guys feel about Ant Man & Wasp not being included in this movie?

  4. Phenomenal One you seem to think your the ladies man lol so tell me what the hell is The Black Widow gonna do teamed up with these super powered heroes?

  5. I see that you guys aren't to fond of the American Pie special but glad you guys thought of a better idea with an Avengers special. My question is after this movie is done how do you think the sequels for these characters will branch away from this collaboration?

  6. With all the big properties coming out this summer, How long will you think The Avengers will stay #1? Also who do you think will do better The Avengers or The Dark Knight Rises?
